Learning objectives include:
- Acquiring knowledge of legal, administrative, technical, and physical safeguards for confidentiality protection
- Becoming familiar with the Canadian College of Health Information Management’s code of ethics
- Summarizing the concepts of patients’ information privacy, confidentiality, and the recommended safeguards to protect that information
- Expressing the importance of patients’ privacy protection
- Giving examples of potential consequences of confidentiality breaches
- Explaining practical approaches to safeguarding patient confidentiality concerning patient information
Jean L. Eaton is a Certified Health Information Management (CHIM) professional and privacy awareness training facilitator. She has had the honour of sharing her passion for practical privacy and confidentiality advice with hundreds of medical clinics, health care practices, and organizations across Canada and the United States. Jean has over 20 years of experience in health information management and health care administration and over 15 years in her independent privacy consulting practice. She makes practical recommendations for thousands of independent health care providers to help them comply with privacy legislation and create efficient practices. Jean is also a keynote speaker on privacy breach management and serves as an on-demand ‘virtual privacy officer.’